The walk began today with a late start and a stop at a bar. We actually stopped three times for rehydration and food. At one location they had a pilgrim beer and pilgrims left messages on the bottles.
I think we are getting tired. Santiago tomorrow with 19 kilometers (12 miles) to go
The scenery has been beautiful and the sunrise signaled a good day .
Pork is very popular here and I finally saw my first pig. They are big
We continue with the shadow pictures but with photo bombers this time.
It was a relaxing day but we always tired at the end of the day. 80 degrees tomorrow and we will now comment on the sun instead of the rain.
Bridges continue to be interesting.
People continue to make our day. Werner is now having blister issues.
Antoinette makes a guest appearance for her feet.
Maidere wanted a picture so she could rember when she was young. Her youthful enthusiasm has been a real plus for all of us.
Tomorrow we are arranging for a guest writer, Brian Dockendorff, so stay tuned.
Congratulations on the completion of your journey. I have enjoyed traveling alongside via your blog, sans blisters!! Rick.