Monday, September 29, 2014

Burgos day two

As we did last year we took a "free" day in Burgos. Great for resting ones feet but also for seeing more of this ancient city, not to mention tasting some more of the great eating to be had.
We started by getting some more sock liners. We then went out an had a breakfast with fresh squeezed orange juice, pastry and coffee. We then proceeded to the city castle.
View of cathedral and old town
Castle well and stairway went 59 meters down into the rock formations to ground water. Handy to have in the event of a siege.
Later we had a wonderful lunch and rehydration.
Sorry but no pictures of the great good we had.
We then went back out to the cathedral plaza and met several people we knew who had just came to town. A mini reunion.
At 7:30 we went to a mass at the church of St. Nicolus. An amazing church with an amazing carved stone wall behind the alter. This picture does not begin to do it justice .

Too bad I couldn't understand all that was said but it was still very special.

Walking in the old town you are confronted with many special sights. It's fun just to pick a street and explore.

Tomorrow at 6:30 ends our time on the old town of Burgos as we head out for our next adventure. Weather looks good and Brian is ready for his first day of walking.


Some more pictures of today.
Paul, Guy, Brian and Kate

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